Bozas and new tactics

05/12/2017: Between February 17-20th 2017, over 850 migrants crossed over the six-meter barbed wire fences into Ceuta. More than 1,100 people attempted to cross in January, but the majority were pushed back, as part of the violent practice of “hot deportations” being carried out by the EU. Many were injured during these attempts, but many also succeeded to boza, and now begin to fight another set of racist and repressive tactics enacted by EU states on the other side of the border.

Earlier this month, Morocco threatened the EU with relaxing its border controls, in protest of the decision of the EU to separate trade agreements between Morocco and Western Sahara, touching a very sensitive issue for Morocco. The passage of over 850 migrants in recent days to Europe is a result of these threats, showing how migrants are used as political hostages by Morocco. Continue reading

Résume non exhaustif janvier 2017

La guerre contre les migrants menée par le Maroc et l’UE à la frontière Maroc/Espagne a fait en ce début d’année nettement plus de blessé(e)s ,mort(e)s et de disparu(e)s. Suite à la répression intense de la police marocaine dans les villes, les camps et les forets du Nord du Maroc beaucoup de migrant(e)s essayent dans la précipitation de traverser la frontière, ce qui amènent de graves accidents parfois mortels.

La police,l’armée,les frontières tuent !

A bas l’Europforteresse



Premier convoi de l’année

52 Boza


13 Boza


Premier tentative de l’année par 1100 migrants,

Premier retour à chaud de l’année de 104 migrants

Les deux premiers morts de l’année Continue reading

November 2016.The borders kill.

After the jump in Ceuta where more than 200 people crossed on the 31th of October, the repression the repression is intense. And yet the borders are not impossible to cross as the EU and Morocco want them to be. Many pateras arrived in Spain this month, and several people have died or are badly injured after their attempt to cross.
The borders kill !

232 bozas in one day!



7 bozas by Maghrebians

AMDH (Moroccan Human Rights Association) – Nador Section (translated from French):
“Arrests of migrants continue in Nador. The number reached around twenty who were all deported in a bus yesterday the 1st of November around 5.30pm.”

Four pateras rescued by Salvamento Maritimo
Salvamento Maritimo (translated from Spanish):
“4 #pateras rescued by Salvamar Mimosa 12 miles from Cabo de Palos. 11 people transferred to Cartagena.

51 bozas

Rescatan una patera con 51 inmigrantes a 20 millas al oeste de la isla de Alborán

Gran Canaria
57 bozas

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Novembre 2016.Les frontiéres tuent.

Après le saut à Ceuta ou plus de  200 bozas ont franchis les frontières le 31/10/2016, le répression règne. Et pourtant les frontières ne sont pas infranchissable comme espère l’UE et le Maroc. Nombre de pateras sont arrivés ce mois en Espagne. Et plusieurs sont morts ou gravement blessés lors de leurs tentatives .
Les frontières tuent !

232 boza en un jour!



7 boza maghrebins

Association Marocaine des Droits Humains – Section Nador
22 uur ·
Les arrestations de migrants se poursuivent à nador. Le nombre a atteint une vingtaine qui ont été tous refoulés hier 1 novembre vers 17h 30 à bord d’un bus.


4 pateras secourus par Salvamento maritimo
SALVAMENTO MARÍTIMO Verified account ‏@salvamentogob 22h22 hours ago
4ª #patera rescatada por la Salvamar Mimosa a 12 millas de Cabo de Palos. 11 personas trasladadas hasta Cartagena
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Summary for September 2016 of crossings by sea and land and repression at the border between Morocco and Europe.


Brief summary for September 2016 of crossings by sea and land and repression at the border between Morocco and Europe.

In September, there were still many attempts to cross by sea or land from Morocco towards Spain.
-More and more Maghrebians (Algerians and Moroccans) try to cross.
-Two attacks at the fences: the first one in Melilla with 100 Bozas, the second in Ceuta with more than 200 people. In Ceuta they were met by heavy repression by Moroccan and Spanish police, pushbacks, many were seriously injured and deported to the south of Morocco. 4 people bozaed.
-A high number of “pateras” try to cross, it is often difficult to know the exact number. There are more and more bozas, but also more and more travellers intercepted by the Moroccan marine.
-Some questions arise about the faith of migrants arriving at the Spanish coasts: Some associations denounce detention of migrants upon their arrivals. At the same time medias present interceptions as “rescue operations”.

July and August 2016
1000 bozas at the Andalusian coast.
17 pateras to Almeria, 353 Boza

52 migrants left without care and arrested by the police upon their arrival.
Entrefronteras has added three new photos Continue reading

July 2016: A non exhaustive summary

Still a lot of people try their luck for reaching Europe through Morocco. Although the majority of the travellers are subsaharan, there are more and more people from Morocco and Algeria as well who take the way via the street of Gibraltar these months.

Repression, raids and « hot refoulments » by military, the police and the Marine Marocaine, supported and financed by the EU and bilateral contracts with e.g. Spain become systematic. The raids take place in the forests of Melilla and Ceuta, the arrests in the bigger cities like Tanger, Nador or Oujda and again : deportations to Algeria !

It seems more and more frenquently, that the Salvamiento Maritimo leads pull- or push-backs : They spot a Zodiac and inform the moroccan Marine Royale who intercept the boat, even if it is already in spanish waters (e.g. the island of Alboran).

In the month of July at least 7 people went missing in the sea (2 bodies were found), one man died by the attempt of crossing the fences. Its rare that media reports the deaths, who completely disapear in the public conciousness.

The militarised fortress Europe continues the war on migrants at all the borders with so-called «  security measures ». The deaths, the displaced, the imprisoned and the expelled are just part of the « collateral damage » of their criminal politics.




2 patera : 28+34 Boza




10 Boza and a second boat with 10 migrants intercepted by the moroccan marine.

Helena Maleno Garzón@HelenaMaleno 24m24 minutes ago

#BOZAAA 10 PERSLNNES #TÁNGER #TARIFA #Patera con diez personas rescatada en el #Estrecho. Otra con once ha sido interceptada x Marruecos

Almeria Continue reading

Routine of persecution – The unbearable conditions of sub-Saharan migrants in the north of Morocco

Due to the dramatic situation at the eastern external borders of the EU,the Moroccan-Spanish setting tends to be eclipsed. But West and Central African migrants in the north of Morocco still suffer oppression and racist violence on their way to Europe. Continue reading

November 2015: Boza, push back, Deaths

Non-exhaustive summary

In November several migrant  died  by drowning, when climbing fences, during the police assault or by the Forces Auxiliaires. Migration pressure remains permanently present, despite the repression, the raids, deportations to deter migrant (s) of the northern border of Morocco. The migrant (s) are seeking new ways to reach Europe. These paths become increasingly dangerous, which cause more deaths. Fortunately some (s) still manage to reach their goals. Continue reading

Novembre 2015: Boza, Push back, Morts

Résumé non exhaustif

En ce mois de Novembre plusieurs migrant(e)s sont décédé(e)s noyé(e)s, lors de l’escalade des grillages, lors d’assault de la police ou des forces auxiliaires. La pression migratoire reste irrémédiablement présente, malgré la répression, les rafles, les déportations pour éloigner les migrant(e)s de la frontière Nord du Maroc. Les migrant(e)s cherchent de nouvelles voies pour atteindre l’Europe . Ces chemins deviennent de plus en plus dangereux, ce qui provoquent de plus en plus de décès. Heureusement certain(e)s réussissent à atteindre malgré tout leurs objectifs.

01/11 Ceuta
Enterrement d’un deuxième migrant cette semaine: Identité inconnue Continue reading

A non-exhaustive summary of the crossings, push-backs and deaths at the border Morocco/Spain in September/October 2015

These two months were characterized by a migrant struggle and frequently crossings by boat or by an ongoing climbing of the fences of Ceuta and Melilla. The Moroccan government, in service of Europe, responds to those crossings with an intense repression in the forests and cities close to the borders and with the deportation of a number of migrants to the south of Morocco. We must also notice more and more illegal push-backs of “pateras” by Salvamento Maritimo and Frontex, and the transfer of these pateras to the Moroccan navy. The arrested migrants are deported to the cities in southern Morocco, as well. The closing of the borders and the repressions which comes along with it makes the migration routes more and more dangerous. And consequently there are “accident” fatalities according to the authorities during violent push-backs or due to a lack of rescue services!

02/09/2015 Ceuta
13 Boza: Welcome!
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De l’efficacité des fermetures des frontières : En deux jours 86 Boza à Ceuta + plus de 400 Bozas dans des bateaux gonflables

Ce 03/10 /2015 200 migrants ont tenté d’escalader les grillages à Ceuta. 87 d’entre eux ont réussis à grimper les grillages et à atteindre Ceuta à la nage. Treize d’entre eux ont été blessés et ont été amenés à l’hôpital.  Voilà un article complet en esp et photos

Pour rappel 06 février 2016 date de commémoration de l’assassinat le 06/02/2014 de migrants qui tentaient le meme passage à Ceuta dans les memes conditions.

Du côté Marocain vraisemblablement beaucoup des migrants qui tentaient le passage ont subit de graves violences par la police Marocaine. Il y avait du côté Marocain beaucoup d’ambulances qui faisaient des allez retour.
Suite à cette tentative de passage la police Marocaine effectue des ratissages des forêts autour de Ceuta et à Boukhalef (Tanger), ainsi qu’à Nador. On nous annonce des bus d’arrestation sur place pour évacuer les migrants arrêtés .
La gendarmerie annonce suite à cet assault un renforcement de la sécurité aux frontières! Continue reading

Peligro en la Frontera: Actualización del 1/07/2015

A pesar de una reforzada ola de represión, mucha gente está intentando llegar a Europa, partiendo desde Marruecos escondidos en coches, intentando saltar las vallas en los alrededores de Ceuta y Melilla, o en barco (71 barcos con 1260 inmigrantes han llegado a Andalucia en 2015).

Estos intentos de cruzar terminan a veces en dramas humanos, lesiones severas o “desapariciones”, que habitualmente no son relatadas o declaradas, ni por los grandes medios de comunicacion ni por las autoridades. Por lo tanto no es extraño que alguien nos alerte sobre la desaparición de un inmigrante mientras trata de cruzar, aunque cualquier investigación posterior normalmente termina en nada.

La represion organizada por marruecos con cooperacion espanola y financiada por la UE se extiende a las fronteras con un aumento de la militarizacion de la zona, y con redadas en los bosques y las ciudades, donde los migrantes se albergan y viven, y en los mercados (soukh).


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Hazards at the borders: Update from the 1/07/2015

Despite a “reinforced” wave of repression, many people try to get to Europe, leaving from Morocco hidden in cars, trying to climb the fences around Ceuta or Melilla, or by boat (in 2015, 71 boats with 1260 migrants have arrived in Andalucia)
These crossing attempts result sometimes in human dramas, severe injuries or “disappearances” which are often not reported by mainstream media or by the authorities. Thus it’s not uncommon that someone alerts us about the disappearing of a migrant while trying to cross. But any further inquieries often remain in vain!
The repression organised by Morocco in cooperation with Spain and financed by the EU extends to the borders by an increasing militarisation, by real raids in the forests where the migrants seek shelter, in the markets (Soukh) and in the cities where migrants live. Continue reading

Des dangers des frontières : Update 1/07/2015

Malgré une répression « renforcée » beaucoup de personnes essaient d’atteindre l’ Europe à partir du Maroc , caché(e)s dans des voitures, tentant d’escalader les grillages à Ceuta ou Melilla, ou par bateau (Depuis 2015 71 pateras avec 1260 migrants arrivés en Andalousie).

Ces tentatives de passage amènent parfois des drames humains, des blessés graves ou des disparitions qui souvent ne sont pas rapportés par les mainstreammedia ou par les autorités. Ainsi il n’est pas rare que certains nous alerte sur la disparition d’un migrant lors d’une tentative de passage. Des recherches avancées restent souvent vaines!
La répression organisée par le Maroc en collaboration avec l’Espagne et financée par l’Europe s’étend aux frontières par une militarisation importante,par des véritables rafles dans les forêts où les migrant(e)s se refugent, dans les Soukh et dans les villes où les migrant(e)s vivent. Continue reading

As 2014 ends, more migrants overcome the obstacles to arrive in Europe.

Some of the migrants have been living in Morocco for years. They wonder if they will live to see Europe, or if they will die trying.

Many have already been illegally pushed back, as well as being shot at, by Guardia Civil, Spanish police, after arriving within colonial Spanish territory on the African continent: Ceuta and Melilla. There is daily anguish at how hard life can be in Morocco, as the desperate and now cold conditions in forest camps isolate them from Moroccan communities around the Spanish cities. Others live in squats, rented apartments or small camps, in or next to an area, half-built, on the edge of Tanger.

2014 has been an unprecedented year for migration in Morocco. The 2013 migration reforms were said by many to be a sign of Morocco slowly coming to terms with migration changes. Its allying with the EU to increase the hardship of the border regime, now also increasing the numbers of Sub-Saharan migrants stuck in the country. Many migrants, though, have been sceptical, and seen the séjour citizenship as a dangerous option, that not only has a strong suggestion of empty promises, but also the risks of heavy sentences in Moroccan prisons, for either trying again to reach Europe, or for speaking out about cruelty received from agents of the Moroccan state. It is often perceived as an instrument of control, instead of one of support. Continue reading

Support Migrants’ Resistance to EU Funded Police Corruption in Morocco!

Imagine living for years in a country that you only ever wanted to pass through, where people throw stones at you on the street for the colour of your skin, and where you know the police will get handsomely paid for arbitrarily detaining you.

That’s the situation that thousands of migrants from West Africa find themselves in currently in Morocco. Because of the proximity of the Moroccan port city of Tangiers to the European mainland, and because Spain, an EU country, is occupying two cities (Ceuta and Melilla) on the North coast of Moroccom thus creating a land border, this predominantly Arab country is a major migration routes for predominantly Black West Africans seeking a better life in Europe.

The majority of these migrants intend merely on working in Europe, legally or illegally, until they have saved up enough to be able to return to their home countries and improve the conditions of life for their families. The dedication of these mostly young men to their families’ future wellbeing is incredible: many of them are the sole hope for their entire extended family, which has often invested all it has and gotten into debt in order to finance their journey.

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