November 2016.The borders kill.

After the jump in Ceuta where more than 200 people crossed on the 31th of October, the repression the repression is intense. And yet the borders are not impossible to cross as the EU and Morocco want them to be. Many pateras arrived in Spain this month, and several people have died or are badly injured after their attempt to cross.
The borders kill !

232 bozas in one day!



7 bozas by Maghrebians

AMDH (Moroccan Human Rights Association) – Nador Section (translated from French):
“Arrests of migrants continue in Nador. The number reached around twenty who were all deported in a bus yesterday the 1st of November around 5.30pm.”

Four pateras rescued by Salvamento Maritimo
Salvamento Maritimo (translated from Spanish):
“4 #pateras rescued by Salvamar Mimosa 12 miles from Cabo de Palos. 11 people transferred to Cartagena.

51 bozas

Rescatan una patera con 51 inmigrantes a 20 millas al oeste de la isla de Alborán

Gran Canaria
57 bozas

Continue reading

July 2016: A non exhaustive summary

Still a lot of people try their luck for reaching Europe through Morocco. Although the majority of the travellers are subsaharan, there are more and more people from Morocco and Algeria as well who take the way via the street of Gibraltar these months.

Repression, raids and « hot refoulments » by military, the police and the Marine Marocaine, supported and financed by the EU and bilateral contracts with e.g. Spain become systematic. The raids take place in the forests of Melilla and Ceuta, the arrests in the bigger cities like Tanger, Nador or Oujda and again : deportations to Algeria !

It seems more and more frenquently, that the Salvamiento Maritimo leads pull- or push-backs : They spot a Zodiac and inform the moroccan Marine Royale who intercept the boat, even if it is already in spanish waters (e.g. the island of Alboran).

In the month of July at least 7 people went missing in the sea (2 bodies were found), one man died by the attempt of crossing the fences. Its rare that media reports the deaths, who completely disapear in the public conciousness.

The militarised fortress Europe continues the war on migrants at all the borders with so-called «  security measures ». The deaths, the displaced, the imprisoned and the expelled are just part of the « collateral damage » of their criminal politics.




2 patera : 28+34 Boza




10 Boza and a second boat with 10 migrants intercepted by the moroccan marine.

Helena Maleno Garzón@HelenaMaleno 24m24 minutes ago

#BOZAAA 10 PERSLNNES #TÁNGER #TARIFA #Patera con diez personas rescatada en el #Estrecho. Otra con once ha sido interceptada x Marruecos

Almeria Continue reading

Ceuta: 25/12/2015: 185 Boza, 2 deaths, many injured

The night of the 25/12/2015 several hundred migrants tried to enter Ceuta by jumping the fence or by swimming. According to mainstream media, 200 tried to jump the fences while another 200 tried to enter by the sea.
Mainstream media said 185 managed to enter Ceuta, many of them got injured by the barbed wire. Twelve of them have been hospitalised and are in a very bad condition. It seems like the attempts to enter are met with extreme violence. Continue reading

Routine of persecution – The unbearable conditions of sub-Saharan migrants in the north of Morocco

Due to the dramatic situation at the eastern external borders of the EU,the Moroccan-Spanish setting tends to be eclipsed. But West and Central African migrants in the north of Morocco still suffer oppression and racist violence on their way to Europe. Continue reading

November 2015: Boza, push back, Deaths

Non-exhaustive summary

In November several migrant  died  by drowning, when climbing fences, during the police assault or by the Forces Auxiliaires. Migration pressure remains permanently present, despite the repression, the raids, deportations to deter migrant (s) of the northern border of Morocco. The migrant (s) are seeking new ways to reach Europe. These paths become increasingly dangerous, which cause more deaths. Fortunately some (s) still manage to reach their goals. Continue reading

Novembre 2015: Boza, Push back, Morts

Résumé non exhaustif

En ce mois de Novembre plusieurs migrant(e)s sont décédé(e)s noyé(e)s, lors de l’escalade des grillages, lors d’assault de la police ou des forces auxiliaires. La pression migratoire reste irrémédiablement présente, malgré la répression, les rafles, les déportations pour éloigner les migrant(e)s de la frontière Nord du Maroc. Les migrant(e)s cherchent de nouvelles voies pour atteindre l’Europe . Ces chemins deviennent de plus en plus dangereux, ce qui provoquent de plus en plus de décès. Heureusement certain(e)s réussissent à atteindre malgré tout leurs objectifs.

01/11 Ceuta
Enterrement d’un deuxième migrant cette semaine: Identité inconnue Continue reading

New deaths at the Spanish-Moroccan border in Fnideq (Ceuta, Northern Morocco)

Following another raid by the Moroccan auxiliary in the shelters of migrants in Castillejos/Fnideq near Ceuta, two young Cameroonians died from suffocation or burns, according to reports (30 Nov 2015). 
‘According to the Spanish NGO Caminando Fronteras, yesterday (Monday 30 Nov) around 10:30 the auxiliary forces started an operation to dislodge Sub-Saharan migrants who had taken refuge in the caves situated behind the hotel Ibis close to the border with Ceuta. According to the NGOs, the authorities lit a fire to try to dislodge the migrants from the caves.

Résumé non exhaustif des passages,refoulements et morts aux frontières Maroc/Espagne Septembre/Octobre 2015

Ces deux mois ont été caractérisés par une lutte des migrants et des passages fréquents en bateau ou en escaladant toujours les grillages à Ceuta et Melilla. Le gouvernement marocain au service de l’Europe répond à ces passages par une répression intense dans les forêts et les villes aux frontières, et par la déportation de nombre de migrants vers le Sud du Maroc. On doit aussi constater des refoulements illégaux de plus en plus fréquents de “pateras” par Salvamento Maritimo et Frontex, et le transfert de ces pateras à la Marine Marocaines. Les migrants arretés ainsi sont également déportés vers des villes dans le Sud du Maroc. La fermeture des frontières et la répression qui l’accompagne rend les routes de migrations de plus en plus dangereuses et a comme conséquence des décès “accidentelles” d’après les autorités lors de refoulements violents ou suite à des défaillances des services de secours !

13 Boza: Wellcome! Continue reading

The EU-Spanish-Moroccan cooperation kills: Mass arrests, deportations and two new deaths! The forgotten dead!


Since 3rd October 2015, the night when 200 migrants attempted to cross the fences in Ceuta and 87 succeeded to do so, several other attempts where made by hundreds of migrants. Afterwards, Morocco increased the military presence and border security measures at the fences.

On 9th October 2015, a Cameroonian and a Guinean migrant died during their attempt to cross the border. The two persons were on a boat which tried to enter Ceuta in the morning of 9th October. However, they were intercepted by the Moroccan Royal Marine, were severely beaten and subsequently died. A dozen of other persons present on the boat and therefore witnesses to these facts, were put in a van, locked in it for 12 hours and subsequently taken to the Fnideq police station.

During these days, all the attempts to cross the border were suppressed with the use of extreme violence by the Moroccan Gendarmerie and the Moroccan Auxiliary Forces. All migrants who attempted to cross the border were violently arrested and taken to Southern Morocco in buses.

Simultaneously, the forests and camps around Ceuta were raided. Hundreds of migrants were arrested and taken to the South of Morocco in buses, the Moroccan forces used extreme violence during these arrests and caused many injuries. All the belongings in the forest camps were burnt or destroyed. Some groups of migrants were left in the desert, others taken to the outskirts of Southern cities. Continue reading

La coopération UE-Hispano-Marocaine assassine: Arrestations et déportations massives et deux nouveaux morts! Les morts oubliés!


Depuis le 03/10/2015, nuit ou 200 migrants ont tenté le passage des barrières à Ceuta et ou 87 d’entre eux ont réussit, plusieurs autres tentatives ont eu lieu par des centaines de migrants. Depuis le Maroc a encore augmenté son dispositif militaire de sécurité de cette frontière et renforcé les grillages.

On apprend ce 09/10 que deux migrants, un Camerounais et un Guinéen sont mort lors de leur tentative de passage. Ces deux personnes étaient sur une embarcation le matin du 9 octobre 2015 qui tentait d’atteindre Ceuta et qui a été intercepté par la marine royale marocaine, et c’est là que les deux hommes ont été tabassés et sont ensuite morts.
Une vingtaine d’autres personnes présentes sur l’embarcation et donc témoin de ces faits auraient été mises dans une fourgonnette, enfermées pendant 12 heures puis emmenées à la gendarmerie de Fnideq.

Toutes les tentatives de passage de ces jours ont été réprimées avec une violence extrême par la gendarmerie marocaine et ses forces auxiliaires.. Tous les migrants qui tentaient le passage ont été très violemment arrêtés et amenés dans des bus vers le sud du Maroc

Dans le même temps les forets et camps autour de Ceuta (Castillego) ont été raflés. Continue reading

Mise-à-jour de la frontière: au moins 5 morts

Ces derniers jours, la situation à la frontière européenne-marocaine est des plus catastrophique. Au moins cinq personnes ont trouvé la mort dimanche dernier : selon les chiffres officiels, quatre migrants subsahariens se sont noyés en tentant de nager pour rejoidre Ceuta (Une ONG locale évoque 8 Décès : 4 confirmés et quatre personnes disparues. Elle parle également d’une autre petite embarcation qui n’a pas été secourue). Le même jour, un migrant marocain meurt asphyxié dans le coffre de la voiture de son frère, sur le ferry pour Almeria.

Nous sommes tristes et furieux. L’ Europe forteresse a à nouveau tué cinq personnes, et blessés bien plus encore!

Chaque nuit, les gens essaient de traverser la méditerranée, à la recherche d’une vie meilleure, et se heurtent à une répression impitoyable. Continue reading

Peligro en la Frontera: Actualización del 1/07/2015

A pesar de una reforzada ola de represión, mucha gente está intentando llegar a Europa, partiendo desde Marruecos escondidos en coches, intentando saltar las vallas en los alrededores de Ceuta y Melilla, o en barco (71 barcos con 1260 inmigrantes han llegado a Andalucia en 2015).

Estos intentos de cruzar terminan a veces en dramas humanos, lesiones severas o “desapariciones”, que habitualmente no son relatadas o declaradas, ni por los grandes medios de comunicacion ni por las autoridades. Por lo tanto no es extraño que alguien nos alerte sobre la desaparición de un inmigrante mientras trata de cruzar, aunque cualquier investigación posterior normalmente termina en nada.

La represion organizada por marruecos con cooperacion espanola y financiada por la UE se extiende a las fronteras con un aumento de la militarizacion de la zona, y con redadas en los bosques y las ciudades, donde los migrantes se albergan y viven, y en los mercados (soukh).


Continue reading

Hazards at the borders: Update from the 1/07/2015

Despite a “reinforced” wave of repression, many people try to get to Europe, leaving from Morocco hidden in cars, trying to climb the fences around Ceuta or Melilla, or by boat (in 2015, 71 boats with 1260 migrants have arrived in Andalucia)
These crossing attempts result sometimes in human dramas, severe injuries or “disappearances” which are often not reported by mainstream media or by the authorities. Thus it’s not uncommon that someone alerts us about the disappearing of a migrant while trying to cross. But any further inquieries often remain in vain!
The repression organised by Morocco in cooperation with Spain and financed by the EU extends to the borders by an increasing militarisation, by real raids in the forests where the migrants seek shelter, in the markets (Soukh) and in the cities where migrants live. Continue reading

Des dangers des frontières : Update 1/07/2015

Malgré une répression « renforcée » beaucoup de personnes essaient d’atteindre l’ Europe à partir du Maroc , caché(e)s dans des voitures, tentant d’escalader les grillages à Ceuta ou Melilla, ou par bateau (Depuis 2015 71 pateras avec 1260 migrants arrivés en Andalousie).

Ces tentatives de passage amènent parfois des drames humains, des blessés graves ou des disparitions qui souvent ne sont pas rapportés par les mainstreammedia ou par les autorités. Ainsi il n’est pas rare que certains nous alerte sur la disparition d’un migrant lors d’une tentative de passage. Des recherches avancées restent souvent vaines!
La répression organisée par le Maroc en collaboration avec l’Espagne et financée par l’Europe s’étend aux frontières par une militarisation importante,par des véritables rafles dans les forêts où les migrant(e)s se refugent, dans les Soukh et dans les villes où les migrant(e)s vivent. Continue reading

22 nouveaux assassinats par la forteresse Europe? 22/06/2015

Hier, Salvamento Maritimo a interrompu sa recherche d’un bateau avec
22  personnes qui étaient parties des environs de Alhoceima, après 2 jours
de recherches intenses avec bateaux et hélicoptères, de Tanger à
Alhoceima et de Tarifa à Almeria.
Nous craignons que les 22 personnes  ont perdu la vie sur la mer – 22
autres meurtres par la forteresse Europe?
Condoléances aux familles et rage contre les frontières.

Petite consolation: Plusieurs barques ont réussis ce voyage dangereux
vers l’Europe au cours des derniers jours.
Le 19 juin, 10 personnes ont été sauvées dans le détroit de Gibraltar,
et 5 personnes sont entrées à Ceuta par bateau.
Le 20 juin, 19 personnes d’origine nord-africaine ont été secourues et
ramenées à Motril, et 19 personnes d’origine subsaharienne ont gagné
leur BOZA à Almeria. Voici quelques photos du sauvetage:

Hier, une personne a été sauvée d’un dispositif flottant, au large de
la côte de Tarifa.

BOZA et Bienvenue en Europe!

Another 22 murders by the fortress Europe? 22/06/2015

Yesterday, the Salvamento Maritimo ended its search for a boat with 22 people who had left from somewhere near AlHoceima. After 2 days of intense search with boat and helicoptres, from Tangier to AlHoceima and Tarifa to Almeria, we fear that the 22 people have lost their lives on sea – another 22 murders by the fortress Europe.

Condolences to the families and rage against the borders.

As a small consolation, a couple of boats have also survived the dangerous journey in the past couple of days.On the 19th, 10 people were saved in the Strait of Gibraltar, and 5 people entered Ceuta by boat.On the 20th, 19 people of North African origin were rescued and brought to Motril, and 19 people of Subsaharian origin bozaed in Almeria. Here are some photos from the rescue:

Yesterday, one person was saved from a floating device, off the coast of Tarifa.

BOZA and welcome to Europe!

Transnational Action Day in Tanger in memory of the victims of the Tarajal Tragedy

[En] Fr, Esp
This is just the beginning!

Transnational Action Day: Stop the War Against Migrants! On the 6th of February 2015 in Tanger, Morocco, as well as in different european countries, people were gathering to give a sign against the murderous border politics of the EU. conmemoration events take place In London, Berlin, Dusseldorf, Madrid, Barcelona and Tanger to remember the more than 15 people that have been killed by the spanish border police (Guardia Civil) exactly one year ago on the fence. For this reason more than 80 people come together in Tanger to lament the deaths of their comrades, amongst them many migrants who survived the attack of the Guardia Civil. Continue reading

International Call-out for 6th February action

Fr Esp Arabic

Call-out to all affected by the war waged by the European Union against migrants and refugees.

On 6th February 2014, hundreds of migrants were trying, in a collective action, to overcome the border at the Spanish enclave Ceuta, by sea. The Spanish Guardia Civil, in response to the attempt to enter EU territory, fired on the people in the sea with rubber bullets and tear gas. Moroccan police, supported by racist inhabitants, also participated in the deadly hunt.

15 persons were officially reported dead, and yet over 50 were missing! Thousands more have been killed, injured and pushed-back illegally through the Spanish-Moroccan border since.

A year after this murder – in addition to many others that caused the death and disappearance of migrants – we still demand the member states of the European Union to respect the fundamental rights which must be guaranteed for every person in the world, not only for western citizens.

We express our solidarity with all migrants who risk their lives, continuously pushed to take the desert and the sea to get through the brutal security measurements of the fortress europe and their execution by north-African authorities. Continue reading

3 Dead and 15 Wounded at Melilla Border Fence

Melilla is a city on the North coast of Morocco which is controlled by the Spanish government. It is surrounded by three parallel border fences over 10 miles long separating Moroccan from Spanish territory. This border fence is protected both by the Spanish and Moroccan military police, because since the 1996 Barcelona Agreement the Moroccan State has been paid by the EU to protect its external borders.

In mid-March 2013 over 100 people from different West African countries attempted to climb over the fences at the same time. The majority were from Cameron and Mali, with some Gambians and Senegalese. Crossing the border fence at Melilla is one of the few options they have for entering European Union territory to claim asylum or seek work and send money home to their families.

As they attempted to climb the fence the migrants were pelted with stones and beaten with sticks by Moroccan police. Some people were also injured as they fell from the fences, the first of which is 7 meters high. After the first fence there is another (4 metres high) then yet another marking the actual border to Spain. Despite these obstacles at least 55 of the migrants successfully made it into Spanish territory. Unfortunately the majority were not so lucky.

One Cameroonian man was killed during the attempt to cross and another died later in hospital. A third Cameroonian man was found dead on the mountainside on the way back from the hospital to his camp in the forest near the fences. Apart from the deaths of these three people from Cameroon many others of various different nationalities were seriously wounded. Continue reading